
I am setting up a piece of music that has a soprano and alto line.  I
have figured out how to add lyrics to the alto line but realise that my
soprano lyrics will be tricky.

The soprano line is primarily one voice but at two locations, I need to
split into two parts.  I have accomplished this with the voiceOne and
voiceTwo coding.  However, I need to apply different lyrics to some of
the voiceTwo (lower soprano) than the upper voiceOne soprano.

I currently have all my melody set up in a block and lyrics in a block
below and combine them with the \context Lyrics command down in the
score <<>> settings.

How would one accomplish this lyric problem?

It seems I will also need to bump a few bits of soprano one above the
stave OR

could I treat the second soprano part as a second verse and just apply
it in the \context Lyric area?  Would it find a nested voiceTwo part?

Thanks in advance,

Sterling MacNay

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