If you read in "Common Tweaks" in the manual, you can
learn about the property called transparent. However, in
this case, I don't think you want the removed clefs and
key signatures to occupy any space. Then, you can instead
 \override Score.KeySignature #'stencil = ##f
 \override Score.Clef #'stencil = ##f
somewhere after the first note (since you don't want it
to apply to the first line) in one of the voices.


Denis Bitouzé wrote:


I searched in the documentation and in the archives of the list but I
didn't find how to suppress clef and key at beginning of each line,
except the first one of course.

Thanks in advance for any hint.

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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