
Is it possible that the scaling on the MIDI dynamics is off somehow?

I found a few mentions of this in the archives but no specific discussions of this particular issue.

I noticed today after not using MIDI output from LilyPond for several versions (and months) that the differences in the volume between dynamics don't seem as noticeable as I remembered them from earlier versions.

As a test, I rendered a MIDI file of this lily code:
{c8\ppp d\pp e\p f\mp g\mf a\f b\ff c\fff}

and opened it in Digital Performer and looked at the events list.
The velocities in the events list are:
53 - 62 - 69 - 77 - 85 - 94 - 100  - 107

I would have expected them to be more like
16 - 32 - 48 - 64 - 80 - 96 - 112 - 128

Am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks for any hints.


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