On 25-Apr-06, at 6:36 PM, Paul Scott wrote:

Paul Scott wrote:
Just the addition of
#(set-octavation 1)
causes the rest of the staff lines to be dashed. (commenting that line restores the solid staff lines.)

Example later if necessary. I'm trying to get some parts out right away.
This problem goes away with 2.8.1-4 as well as an unexplained conflict with my transpositions. (After the octavation change I get an unspecified whole step transposition).

I recommend using 2.8 (the stable version) for real work. If you want to use 2.9 (the unstable development version), issues like this will crop up from time to time. When they do, please report them in the bugs list or lilypond-devel; these problems are not relevant to lilypond-user. We're aware of this problem; it will hopefully be fixed in the next version of 2.9.

- Graham

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