Hello all,

I sent a message to the list a couple of days ago and never heard
anything back, I'm just wondering if the message actually went
through, because it seems like people here are good at responding :) 
So here it is again, my apologies if I'm double-posting...


If anyone can help with these 2 questions regarding a score I'm
working on, I would be very grateful.  I'm using 2.4.5.

1)  I need to draw boxes notes on the staff, in order to designate
improvisation.  Is this possible?  (I would be surprised if it wasn't,
but I seem unable to find anything in the docs.)

2)  Is there a way to draw manual barlines in one staff that won't
affect anything in other staves?  For instance:

c8 c8 \bar c8 c8

overtop of:


I'm sorry if either of those questions are covered in the docs, a link
would be sufficient.

Thanks in advance,

- Chris

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