First of all, thanks for Lilypond!  I've used various scores from
Mutopia in the past and have only recently decided to do some work of
my own, and I've found Lilypond to be easily learnable thanks to the
good syntax and clear docs.

So I've decided to get right down to work.  I'm typesetting a suite on
guitar that's already freely available so that it can be included on
Mutopia (and so it looks better).  I'm having a spot of trouble with a
few lines, however.

The piece has two voices throughout, but there are a few measures
where there is a third.  I have split the top voice to include the
third, but doing so introduces a number of warnings when rendering the
music.  I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on how to
correct those.  (I did find the section in the docs on polyphony to be
particularly opaque.)

Also, once I straighten this out, I'm unsure how to make the third
voice's stems point up; adding \stemUp to the voice seems to affect
all three voices throughout these measures.

I've attached the lilypond file since it's so small (with comments
around the area in question), and here is a link to the original PDF
from which I'm working:

Any help would be most appreciated!

(Also, feel free to mention any general style tips; I'm basing mine on
a ly file I downloaded from Mutopia.  I'm not sure that it's the best
way to typeset guitar music.)

Andrew Conkling

Attachment: Visée - Suite 9 in Dm.ly
Description: Binary data

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