
>(Please, tell me if it run for you)

When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.

Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.

As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15, 18, 22), "..." (lines 22, 23, 29, 32), and a
commented out bracket (line 63) are not valid constructs.]

I've tested it with
several little pieces for piano. I'm in the following situation :
I has typeset, a few months ago, 17 Valses sentimentales de Schubert
(there are 34 for the whole), each in a separate file. There are little
piano pieces in chains (not orchestral parts) of about 16, 24 or 32
measures and i'm asking me if i can concatenate 2, 3 or 4 files (or
more) in only one with also only one midifile.

To get one midi file, the only way I know, it to have the music in a
single "\score" block, as you did.
But, nothing prevents you to define the variables "upperun" etc, in
separate files, and then "\include" those files in another one where
you use the variables to build the score.

With this template, i'm
succesfull in doing that. That's the reason why i'm asking somebody the
way. I'm afraid i'm loosing the purpose of using different headers, and
so, especially indent for N°1, N°2, N°3 ... etc .
Perhaps the workaround is to use markups instead.
Do you think is right ?

That's a workaround indeed, but I personally prefer to keep the "\header"
and lose the single midi file.

So I.
I apologize for the little template. It's a careless mistake. Below is
the corrected file. I'm going to build the score with "\include" (if i
can) for a good sheetmusic and, in other way, concatenate the different
midifiles in a single file. It's ok.
Many thanks for your answer.

 \version "2.8.1"

     \header {
       title = "Midis-out together"

                        % FICHIER MIDIS REUNIS
                        % musique no1

  upperun = \relative c'' {
       \clef treble
       \key c \major
       \time 3/4
        \repeat volta 2 { c4 d e |

  lowerun = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key c \major
        \time 3/4
        \repeat volta 2 { c4 d e |
                        % musique no2

  upperdeux =
     \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 3/4
        \tempo 4 = 70
        r2 g4 |
        g2 a4 |
        b2. |

  lowerdeux = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key c \major
       \time 3/4
        r2 g4 |
        g2 a4  |

                        % musique no3

  uppertrois =
     \relative c'' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4 = 160
        c8 b d c c'2 |  

  lowertrois = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        c8 b d c c,2 |


     \score {

             { %faire une seule séquence des différents morceaux
             << % musique no1
        \context Staff=upper  \upperun
        \context Staff=lower  \lowerun

       >> % fin de musique no1

             << % musique no2
         \context Staff=upper \upperdeux
         \context Staff=lower \lowerdeux

       >> % fin de musique no2

             << % musique no3
         \context Staff=upper \uppertrois
         \context Staff=lower \lowertrois

       >> % fin de musique no3

       } %fin de la sequence

       \midi { \tempo 4 = 140 } %pour le début
     } % fin du score

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