Hello Eyolf! 
It looks like a bug. Why would it be left-aligned after all? But it appears 
that Lilypond didn't like this structure of creating 2 voices contexts, 
namely "stollen" and "abgesang", and then, in the score block, creating 
another voice context (called "one") comprising them. So, if you just 
eliminate the context "stollen" and assign lyrics to "one", instead, 
everything is fine. See instructions: 
\context Voice = stollen { 
        \repeat volta 2 { 
        \partial 2 
        g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
        b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 

        \repeat volta 2 { 
        \partial 2 
        g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
        b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 

=>And replace: 
\lyricsto "stollen" 

\lyricsto "one" 

I'm not in a position to judge it a bug. I'm a beginner. So, I'll let the 
experts have their judgement. 

Best regards, 

Eduardo Vieira 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eyolf Ostrem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org> 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 7:41 PM 
Subject: Syllables not centered under notes after volta 

I've encountered a strange problem: 
After a section with volta, the lyrics are not centered under their notes, 
are instead left-aligned. 

In the following example, the lyrics for textAbgesang are left-aligned. I 
can't see why that should be. Is it a bug, or is there something that I've 
(a pdf can be found on: http://oestrem.com/salmer/et-trofast-hjerte.pdf) 

Eyolf Østrem 

\version "2.6.4" 
\header { 
    title = "Et trofast hjerte, Herre min" 
    subtitle = "" 
    composer = "Strassburg 1525" 
    poet = "" 

#(set-global-staff-size 23) 
\paper { 
indent = 0\cm 
leftmargin = 2.5\cm 
linewidth = 16\cm 
betweensystempadding = 0.8\cm 

melody = \relative c' { 
\clef treble 
\key g \major 
\time 3/2 

\context Voice = stollen { 
        \repeat volta 2 { 
        \partial 2 
        g'2 | fis4 g a2 a | g4 a b2 c | 
        b4 a g2 fis4( g) | a2 g 
%repeated music 
\context Voice = abgesang { 
%musikk abgesang 
\partial 2 
g2 | a4 c b2 g | a4 fis e2 fis | 
d4 d a'2 b | c4 a g2 d' | 
b4 a g2 fis4( g) | 
a2 g1\fermata \bar "|." 

textStollenEn = \lyricmode { 
Et tro -- fast hjer -- te, Her -- re min, 
skal dig til re -- de væ -- re, 

textStollenTo = \lyricmode { 
du mig for -- lø -- ste, jeg er din, 
thi ske dig pris og æ -- re! 

textAbgesang = \lyricmode { 
Den sag er klar, du kær os har, 
på kor -- set selv vor synd du bar, 
at vi Guds børn må væ -- re. 

\score { << 
\context Voice = one { 
\lyricsto "stollen" \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \textStollenEn 
\lyricsto "stollen" \context Lyrics = repeatlyrics \textStollenTo 
\lyricsto "abgesang" \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \textAbgesang 

\layout { 

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