Eyolf Ostrem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for all your replies to my query. It has really been helpful, in many 
> ways.
> 1. I finally went through the pains of configuring emacs with lilypond-mode 
> and lyqi (the 'pains' part comes partly from my reluctance to use emacs in 
> the first place - I still find vim to be vastly superior as an editor - 
> partly from some initial problems with the setup), and it's great! With lyqi, 
> I can 'play' in the notes from the keyboard, already almost as fast as in 
> Finale, where I have years of experience and a good technique (if I may say 
> so), and I can only imagine the speed I will reach once I get the key presses 
> into my fingers. 
> I also have immediate midi playback, which is necessary for fast typing. And 
> with the lilypond-mode, pdf generation, midi playback, and other functions 
> are within two-three key presses (albeit involving the horrible emacs ctrl 
> key combos, but I can live with that...). 

I use the same emacs config (no suprise:).

In the score creation phase, one spend most of the time entering
notes, thus a tool that helps entering notes accurately (ie fast entry
and immediate playback) is a must have. There are few pitch mistakes
(mostly time mistakes remain).

Seeing how quick I typed the last scores I made, I would not go back to
the old "type all the letters" painful approach.


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