As soon as you write a \time ... or s1 or break, LilyPond will silently
a stave to be able to handle the time signature and so on. This stave is
used also for the melody, unless you explicitly ask for a new stave.
In the following modified version of your code, I have added a line that
explicitly creates the stave, to make it more clear what actually happens.
\version "2.8.1"
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
% the header
\header {
title = "Donna Lee"
composer = "Miles Davis"
% the music
\relative c'' <<
% the chords
\chords {
aes1:6 f1:7 bes1:7 r1
bes1:m7 ees1:7 aes1:maj7 ees2:m7 d2:7
des1:maj7 des2:m7 ges2:9 aes1:maj7 f1:7
bes1:7 bes1:75- bes1:m7 ees1:7
aes1:maj7 f1:7 bes1:7 r1
c1:7 g2:m75 c2:7 f1:m6 c1:75+9+
f1:m6 c1:75+9+ f1:m6 aes1:dim7
aes2:maj7 f2:7 bes2:m7 ees2:7 aes1:6 r1
% The music stave
\new Staff <<
\repeat unfold 7 {
s1 \noBreak s1 \noBreak
s1 \noBreak s1 \break }
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key aes \major
% the melody
{ r2 \times 2/3 { g'8 a g } f e ees! des c bes a c, ees f \times
2/3 { ges8 aes ges } f ees d f aes c g f4.~ f4 e8 d
ees a, bes des f aes c ees des f, aes c b e, ees d c ees g bes
aes4 ees8 f ges bes des f e c4.
e2~ e8 d c bes ees des4. ges8 e ees des c c des d ees des c bes a c
ees f \times 2/3 { ges8 aes ges } f ees
d c b a bes aes c, ees \times 2/3 { g ges f } e2 r4 ees'8 des f, aes
c bes f aes g bes des ees \times 2/3 { e8 ges e } ees des
c2 \times 2/3 { g'8 aes g } f e ees des c bes a c, ees f \times
2/3 { ges aes ges } f ees d f aes c g f4.~ f4 g8 f
e f g aes bes aes g f \times 2/3 { des'8 ees des } c bes \times
2/3 { aes8 bes aes } g e f2 r2 r2 r4 r 8 g
c b c des d des d ees e ees e ees d des c bes \times 2/3 { aes bes
aes } g aes bes aes g f b d f aes b g' f e
ees! des c bes a ges f ees des f aes c bes aes g ees aes2. r4 r1 || }
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