
As an absolute beginner, I've stumbled upon a strange problem. I'm using
lilypond-book (lilypond v2.8.1) to embed my lilypond code in a latex document.
After running lilypond-book, as described in the documentation, the sheet music
itself apears to have a margin of its own on the left. The result of this, is
that the sheet music is shifted to the right side of the page. In ASCII-art, my
page looks like this:

|                                   |
|    --------heading-------p.1--    |
|                                   |
|    text goes here                 |
|                                   |
|      +--------------------------+ |
|      | music                    | |
|      | more music               | |
|      | more music               | |
|      | more music               | |
|      +--------------------------+ |
|                                   |
|    example ends here              |
|                                   |

So the width of the sheet music is correct; it's the same as \textwidth. When I
open the eps-files that make up the sheet music, I notice that they have a
margin on the left side, of 15pt. 

I've searched this mailinglist and the documentation for a solution, but to no
avail. How can I fix this? I hope I've provided enough information.

Thanks in advance.

Lodewijk Koopman

lilypond-user mailing list

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