> My problem is about stacking up lyrics in the same stanza, bracketing them 
> and vertically adjusting the stanza number. See picture. 
> I played around with a lot of things for days, but I did not find any 
> workaround. Please, help! 

Collin Wilding, one of the Lilypond users gave me this technique: 
This is his example. Try to adapt it. 
version "2.8.0" 
cwpsDef = \markup { \postscript #" 
    /CMWFont { /CenturySchL-Roma findfont 7 scalefont setfont } bind def 
    /CMWBrace { CMWFont /braceright glyphshow } def 
cwpsBrace = \markup { \postscript #"6 -7 moveto CMWBrace" } 

music = \relative c' { 
    e4 f g a-\cwpsBrace b c d e 
\header { 
    title = "Title" 
    subsubtitle = \cwpsDef 

\score { 
    \new Staff << 

   \new Voice = "singing" { \music } 
   \new Lyrics \lyricsto singing { The first verse here; now both verses 
join } 
   \new Lyrics { 
       \lyricsto singing { This is the second; } 
\layout { } 

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