Mats and the others are right.
I think you are confusing transposition and the clef that is being used.

The clef determines only which lines and spaces the notes will appear
Which ever clef you use, the notes remain the same. Changing the clef
does not change the notes, just the lines and spaces used when the music
is rendered.

So to get your example in bass clef, just change the tenor to bass. 
Changing the clef does NOT change the pitching of the music, just the
way that it is laid out on the staff.

staffTrombone1 = {
     \key c \major
     \clef bass % was tenor
     \relative c' {
         c d es f     
The music is still the same, just using different lines and spaces.

However, if like me sometimes, you score part in concert, you have to
transpose the parts for the instrument.
In this case, just use the \transpose statement in Lily to change the
sounding pitch of the music.

I think either we or thee are getting confused about these two issues -
why don't you post a small example and we can work it through with you?
It is a subject which frequently bamboozles me when scoring out for
brass band where we have a mixture of bass antreble clef and Bb, Eb and
C instruments.


> That's true, but for those players that can't "read" tenor clef, I
> to write it into bass clef, which is more common in trombone sections 
> and can be read from all players
> The following staff should afterwards have a bass clef with all the 
> notes on the appropriate interspace/line, so that it can be read from 
> players that can only "read" bass clef!! How can I reach this?
> staffTrombone1 = {
>     \key c \major
>     \clef tenor
>     \relative c' {
>         c d es f     
>         ...
>     }
> }
> \book {   
>     \score {
>         \staffTrombone            
>         \layout  {  indent = 0\mm }
>     }
> }

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