Hi, Shelagh!
For your lyrics to be properly aligned with "lyricsto", you need to
"explicitly instantiate voices" (See this section in the docs).
So instead of << \\ >>, do this:
<< \new Voice { \voiceOne g4\rest\p d8 d fs4  fs ~| fs d fs fs ~|  %this
[*was*] problem section
fs d fs fs | a  g fs2 } { \voiceTwo
s4 b,8 b a4 a~| a b a a ~|
        a b a a | d a d2 }>>

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelagh Manton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:32 PM
Subject: Question about lyrics in voices

I am presently doing a piece for our local singing group, which has two
parts. But for a short section the altos split into two parts. So during
that refrain there are three, not two parts.

I did a basic Lilypond file without the second alto part which worked well
with the lyrics I entered. So far so good. However when I put in the
second alto part I used the form <<{ a b c}\\{d b g}>> to show the
separate voices. The rhythm is the same in each voice. Now of course the
lyrics pass by this section and my words are out of order. I read through
the lyrics sections but I can't get my head around how I would use the
voices and lyricsto in this situation. I've thought of making them into
chords but I'd prefer to make it clear they are separate voices. Also I'd
thought of making a whole separate voice with lots of hidden notes or
s1*whatever, but it is such a short section ( four bars )that I thought
there might be a better work around.

I use lilypond 2.8.0 on Ubuntu.


I don't suppose you want the whole thing, but maybe you'd like to compile
it to see where the words are out of order.

  \version "2.8.0"
 \include "english.ly"
#(set-global-staff-size 15)
     global = {
        \key d \major
        \time 4/4

     sopMusic = \relative c'' {
        \tieDown a2\mf^\markup{Unison}~a8 a, b a | fs'4 fs2 g4\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 g fs g\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 fs2 g4\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 e d g\rest \bar "||"

d'4^\markup{High} b a b | d8 d b4 a2 |
d4 b a b8 b | fs fs e4 d2 |
d'4 b8 b a a b b |d4 b a2 |
d4 b a8 a b4 |  fs e d2 |

\repeat volta 2 {d8\mf d b'4 a8 a b4 | d, b' a b |
d,8 d b'4 a8 a b4 | fs e d2 }

d'8 d4 b8 a b4. | d8 d4 b8 a2 |
d8 d b b a a b4 | fs e d2 |
d'4 b a b | d b a4. b8 |
d4 b a8 a b4 | fs e d2 |

\repeat volta 2 { g4\rest\mf^\markup{Descant} d'4.^> d8 d4 | fs d d2 |
  g4\rest d4.^> d8 d4 | a g fs2 }

<a fs>2.\mf^\markup{Coda} <a fs>4 | <fs d> <a fs>2 <b fs>4 |
     \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:italic "rit" ) "")
<d g,>2\startTextSpan <cs a>\stopTextSpan | <d a>1 \bar ".|"
     sopWords = \lyricmode {
        Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'; Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'
Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'; Love a lit -- tle short -- nin' bread.

Three li'l chil -- lun ly -- in' in bed,
Two was sick and de u -- der 'most dead,
Sent for the doc -- tor an' de doc -- tor said,
Gib' dem chil -- lun some short -- nin' bread

Mam -- my's li'l ba-- by loves short -- nin', short -- nin',
Mam -- my's li'l ba-- by loves short -- nin' bread.

Put on de skil -- let, Put on de led,
Mam -- my's gwine to make a li'l short -- nin' bread.
Dat ain't all she's gwine to do,
She's gwine to make a li'l cof -- fee too.

Sing a -- bout short -- nin' bread,
Sing a -- bout short -- nin' bread,

Mam -- my's ba -- by loves short -- nin' bread.

     altoMusic = \relative c' {
\stemUp a'2^\markup{Low}~a8 a, b a | fs'4 fs2 g4\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 g fs g\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 fs2 g4\rest |
a2~a8 a, b a | fs'4 d d2  |

<<{g4\rest\p d8 d fs4  fs ~| fs d fs fs ~|  %this is problem section
fs d fs fs | a  g fs2 }\\{
s4 b,8 b a4 a~| a b a a ~|
        a b a a | d a d2 }>>

d8 d g4 fs8 fs e4 | d4 g fs e |
d8 d g4 fs8 fs e4 | d4 g fs e |
d8 d g4 fs8 fs e4 | d4 g fs e |
d8 d g4 fs8 fs e4 | d g fs2 |

d8\f^\markup{Melody} d b'4 a8 a b4 | d, b' a b |
d,8 d b'4 a8 a b4 | fs4 e d2 |

d2.\mf d4 | d d2 d4 |
b2 g' | fs1
     altoWords =\lyricmode {
       Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'; Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'
       Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'; Love a lit -- tle short -- nin'

       Mam -- my's ba -- by loves short -- nin',
       loves short --  nin', short -- nin' bread.

       Mam -- my's li'l ba-- by loves short -- nin', short -- nin',
       Mam -- my's gwine make a li'l short -- nin', short -- nin',
       Mam -- my's li'l ba -- by loves short -- nin', short -- nin',
       Mam -- my's gwine make a li'l cof -- fee too.

       Mam -- my's li'l ba-- by loves short -- nin', short -- nin',
       Mam -- my's li'l ba-- by loves short -- nin' bread.

       Mam -- my's ba -- by loves short -- nin' bread.

    \header {
      title = "Shortnin' Bread"
      arranger = "The Krones"
      poet = "Negro Folk Song"

     \score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
            \new Staff = upper <<
              \new Voice =
                "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
              \new Lyrics = "sopranos" { s1 }
            \new Staff = lower <<
      \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
                \new Voice =
                "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
      \new Lyrics = "altos" { s1 }

           \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
           \context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \altoWords

\midi {\tempo 4 . = 120 }

        \layout {
           \context {


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