This post has a part for the developers to consider and for the users archive.

The part for the developers to consider is that Lilypond needs a display font for the header. Sometimes enlarging and enboldening a text font does not work as well as using a font that was designed to be displayed at large sizes. Hence the distinction between a display font and a text font. Sometimes the same font will do for both, but not very often. It would have to be designed from the getgo (ie. beginning) to be good for both. Century Schoolbook is not such a font. It is a text font, not a display font.

As can be seen from the subject line, my question falls into two parts:

1) Supposing I like the new fonts for everything but the header, how do I selectively change the default header in my Lilypond projects without changing any of the other fonts. In "8.1.7 Font selection" make-pango-font-tree defines different fonts for different purposes, but how does one define a font to be used for Headers only?

2) In Windows I can only specify an Open Type or True Type font to be added to the pango tree. How can I select the original Type 1 font used for Headers in Lilypond 2.4? Also, which font was that?


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