Hi, Rick:

the key element is still that an opened book always has "mirrored margins".

Of course.

I suppose if you glue bound the pages on a stiff spine then
you would need more room for the arc created out of the spine.

This is actually what I was talking about: Bringhurst says you need *less* space in the spine margins than in the rest of the book (though I don't remember him saying whether that was dependent at all upon the binding method).

For example, my copy of his book is "perfect bound" (glued in signatures, trade paperback), and the edge margins are about 3 cm whereas the spine margins are about 1!! The effect is so that the right edge of the left-page block nearly touches (visually speaking) the left edge of the right-page block when the book lies "flat" (and the spine arcs, as you said).

Bringhurst implies that intuition often leads page layout creators to the opposite conclusion -- i.e., they make the spine margins larger than the edge margin, to "compensate for the binding" -- but that it is less aesthetically pleasing, and that historically the spine margins have always been smaller.

Interesting, I thought...

Best wishes,

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