On 25-May-06, at 10:37 AM, Kieren Richard MacMillan wrote:

One last thing I can't seem to do is build into the Scheme definition itself the X-offset of the "hybrid dynamic". I'd like things like "mf dolce" to be essentially left-aligned, things like "poco f" to be essentially center-aligned, etc.

Here's a few examples of what I do:

flegato = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 6 0) #:line(
  #:dynamic "ff" #:text #:italic "legato" )))
mpdolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0) #:line(
  #:dynamic "mp" #:text #:italic "dolce" )))
mfespr = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 4 0) #:line(
  #:dynamic "mf" #:text #:italic "espr" )))
fdolceespr = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 10 0) #:line(
  #:dynamic "f" #:text #:italic "dolce espr" )))
mflegatoespr = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 11 0) #:line(
  #:dynamic "mf" #:text #:italic "legato espr" )))

subp = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 2
  #:text #:bold #:large "sub" #:dynamic "p" )))

I'm not certain why I don't use #:hspace 0, but it works now so I'm not going to touch it. :)

- Graham

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