
My first reponse is of course you can have only one mark per barline.

By "of course" do you mean *Lilypond* doesn't allow multiple, or *music* doesn't require multiple? ;-)

Let's say I want a rehearsal letter (e.g., "K") over a barline and then in the following measure have a tempo change markup -- an unbelievably common occurrence, appearing many times in nearly every orchestral score I own.

Since Lilypond won't allow multiple \mark items (q.v., example that started this thread), I have to: 1. Combine the two into one and then try to fudge the spacing between the two and the placement (which would not be static, given different score editions); or, 2. Put one mark on the barline, then enter the first note of the next measure, *then* add the tempo mark and fudge with the spacing, rods, offset, etc., in order to send it back to the beginning of the measure (settings which, again, might change depending on the precise layout).

Sounds like more trouble than it *should be* in Lilypond...


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