I couldn't get \pageBreak to work consistently in 2.7.27

I was doing something like this example from the web site:
  title = "Konzert Nr. 3 Es dur"
  subtitle = "für Horn und Orchester"
  composer = "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)"

I had three movements, which I put into separate include files. I wanted a page break between movement one and movement two. I tried putting \pageBreak at the end of the music in the first include file. It was ignored there. I tried putting it in the book file and got a syntax error.

I obviously don't know enough about this.
Jimmy Wilkinson            | Professor of Computer Science
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          | The College of Charleston
(843) 953-8160             | Charleston      SC        29424

If there is one word to describe me, that word would have to be "profectionist".

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