zrlaszlo wrote:

1. The best workaround so far is editing the titling-init.ly as follows.

     \fill-line {
       \fromproperty #'header:poet
       { \large \bold \fromproperty #'header:instrument }
       \fromproperty #'header:composer

and replace with:

     \fill-line {
     \fromproperty #'header:poet
     \fill-line {
        { \large \bold \fromproperty #'header:instrument }
     \fill-line {
     \fromproperty #'header:composer
If someone has a better idea, let me know.

It's certainly not a good idea to edit files in the installation,
then you would have to remember to do it again every time
you upgrade LilyPond.
See the section on Custom Titles for information on how
to do the change in your own .ly file. If you want the same
setting in many scores, do the settings in a separate .ly
file that you \include wherever you want.

2. Unfortunately, I can not see your example (attachement removed... -
why?), but I try to imagine.
I think you would like to insert a barline like two thin lines and a colon.
If this is the case, that type of barline is not supported. Normally you
should use a simple repeat sign like thick line, thin line and period.
However, I suggest the following tweak:

\score {
        \relative {
                c c c c \bar ":|"
                \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'( 0.5 . -3.5 )
                \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #5
                \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-name = #"Times New Roman"
                \mark \markup \huge { \bold : }
                c c c c         

Play around with the extra-offset for correct placement (wether you want the
colon on the left or right of the barline), and with font-size and font-name
properties for exact size (the \bold may or may not help you - remove it if
not needed). The \bar ":|" barline is there for comparison. When you found
the correct placement and size for the colon, change it to \bar "||", and
you are done. If you use rehearsal marks from the point concerned on, use
\once \override instead of \override.

If there is interest, it would be easy to add such an alternative
layout for the :|: repeat as an option. I know it was discussed
some 5 years ago on the mailing list, but can't recall having
seen any requests since then. If you want the same colon that
LilyPond uses for the default repeat layout, use

\markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 1)
 \column{ \musicglyph #"dots.dot" \musicglyph #"dots.dot" } }

Also, if you are a bit fluent in Scheme and the way it's used
in LilyPond, it's not hard to write a few lines that temporarily
redefines the function that generates the bar line layout to
get what you want.


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