Hello, all --

I've got a weird issue (v2.8) that I can't track down -- any hints would be appreciated.

I've got piano with centred dynamics and pedal, as given by the tip/ example in the docs:

        \new PianoStaff = "piano"
                \new Staff = "pfUpper"
                        { \keepWithTag #'score << \global \pfNotesUpper >> }
                \new Dynamics = "pfDynamics"
                        { \keepWithTag #'score << \pfDynamics >> }
                \new Staff = "pfLower"
                        { \keepWithTag #'score << \global \pfNotesLower >> }
                \new Dynamics = "pfPedal"
                        { \keepWithTag #'score << \pfPedal >> }

But odd things are happening -- here's the symptom list.

1. When I leave everything as is, the pedal markings (old style "sheep and star") are correct.

2. When I use

        pfPedal =
                \set pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket

or any variation I can think of, the pedal markings disappear completely.

3. When I put the \pfPedal in the "pfLower" Staff (instead of in its own Dynamics context), the pedal markings (as brackets) appear sporadically, corresponding (I think) to the skips in the music of the \pfNotesLower variable.

Can anyone think of what might be causing such behaviour?


p.s. All the people who have been looking at my scores are amazed by the quality -- kudos, as always, to the development and support teams!

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