Well, no, I was aiming more for minimal white space everywhere. Not on top, not on bottom, the middle, in the aether. Only between system staves, plus enough between systems to distinguish them.

I've used lp long enough to remember that for the longest time what I'm asking was impossible. Perhaps it's still impossible and I'm misunderstanding the manual. I've paid less attention to late 2.7 development than prior versions. In that case a) the section might benefit from clarification, and b) it's something for which I'd be willing to pool money to get a fix accomplished.


On Jun 17, 2006, at 4.37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Here I am again after a brief hiatus with lilyponding.

I'm using lily 2.8.5 for OSX. My goal is to spread n systems on a
page vertically such that there is minimal white space between
systems. Yes, I'm aware of the section in the manual on vertical
spacing. I've tried it, tweaked it, and gotten nothing I expect.

My variation on the \paper chunk found in the manual:

\paper {
        between-system-padding = #4 [ed. note: or any value]
        ragged-bottom = ##f
        ragged-last-bottom = ##f
        line-width = 7.12 \in
        systemSeparatorMarkup = \slashSeparator
        scoreTitleMarkup = \bookTitleMarkup

If you want minimal space betwwen systems (and thus, all space left at
the bottom of the page), use ragged-bottom = ##t, not ##f.

I explore the moon
for wild monkeys
but find only squirrels
                       _   |  WILL ORAM
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(ABOVE: Magnetic poetry #7)

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