At Mon, 19 Jun 2006 21:21:07 -0700,
Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can I superscript text, like footnotemarkers, in lyrics mode?
> > Footnotemarkers are part of Unicode, but they should be superscripted
> > to improve the output.  Alternatively, I guess one can use the
> > superscripted numbers in Unicode, but that is not the same, and is not
> > generic either.  This illustrates the gap that has opened without TeX
> > backend.
> There are \super and IIRC \sub commands in \markup{} mode now.  See
> "Overview of text markup commands".

Do you mean that \markup is useful in lyrics mode?  I am under the
impression it's for in-staff annotations.


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