Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:

> To find out the answer yourself, go to the section on Ottava brackets in
> the on-line manual and follow the link at the bottom of the page to the
> program reference for the OttavaBracket object. There, you will find
> the values of the properties that are set by default. Then you can do the
> same for Text spanners and see what differs.
> In particular, it seems that you have to \override the properties 
> dash-fraction
> and edge-height and \revert the value of dash-period.
>    /Mats
> Kirill wrote:
> >Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>How about using a text spanner?
> >>
> >>   /Mats
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >What parameters do I have to set for a text spanner so as to *exactly* 
> >emulate
> >the apperance of a regular ottava line?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >lilypond-user mailing list
> >lilypond-user <at>
> >
> >  
> >

Thanks, Mats.
It almost works. Here is what I mean: (12 KB)
Below: "real" #(set-octavation 1)
Above: text spanner like you suggested. Here are the settings I used:

\override TextSpanner #'Y-offset = #ly:side-position-interface::y-aligned-side
\override TextSpanner #'font-shape = #'italic
\override TextSpanner #'shorten-pair  = #'(-1.7 . -1.2) %%!!! <-- can't quite
find proper values here
\override TextSpanner #'staff-padding = #1.0
\override TextSpanner #'padding   = #0.5
\override TextSpanner #'minimum-length  = #0.1
\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction  = #0.3
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("8va " . "")
\override TextSpanner #'edge-height = #'(0 . 1.2)
\override TextSpanner #'direction  = #1
\override TextSpanner #'dash-period = #1.0

If you look closely, you'll notice that it is still very slightly inexact.
What am I missing?


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