I'm trying to typeset the attached measure (from brahms horn trio
piano part, let me know if it works) in lilypond. Here's the best I
got so far:

\times 2/3 {r8 <<{bes''4~} \\ {bes8 <f bes, aes>~}>>} << bes4 \\ <f bes, aes> >>

The problem I have is that the eighth notes aren't beamed, I can't get
the triplet bracket to show (it's not in the original, but I'd like to
put it on at least once) and it's not exactly the same as the
original. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm used to
monophonic music or simple polyphonic music. I've never tried a piano
part before. Thanks for any help!


Attachment: brahms-measure.png
Description: PNG image

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