On 7/11/06, Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Erik> By the way, there are plans to drop the old-lyric-combine
    Erik> compatibility altogether, so in order to upgrade to the next
    Erik> stable version, you'll have to rewrite all your old-style
    Erik> \addlyrics expressions manually.

I'm not sure how this differs from what I have to do now.  Do you mean
that in addition to breaking multi-verse upgrading, you're also
planning to break single-verse upgrading?

I think so. The command that used to be \addlyrics, and which now is
known as \oldaddlyrics, will be removed. \lyricsto (and hte new
\addlyrics) will be the only ways to align lyrics.

Before that happens, could someone rewrite abc2ly to use something
that convert-ly will know what to do with?  Or at least explain what
that something would be?

I don't know much about abc2ly, but it will have to produce \lyricsto
expressions in order to work with 2.9.


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