"Geoff Horton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I want to have a preambel, that is split in two columns.
> \markup {
>   \fill-line {
>     \hspace #1.0 % add more of these at the beginning and end
>     \hspace #1.0 % to move the columns closer together
>     \column {
>       "The first column"
>       "goes here"
>     }
>     \hspace #3
>     \column {
>       "The second column"
>       "goes here"
>     \hspace #1.0 % Delete these at beginning and end
>     \hspace #1.0 % if the columns are wide and you need room
>     }
>   }
> }

I'd rather use \justify with overrided line-width.

\markup \fill-line {
  \override #'(line-width . 50) \justify {
    The GNU Hurd is a computer operating system kernel. It consists of
    a set of servers (or daemons, in Unix-speak) that work on top of
    either the GNU Mach microkernel or the L4 microkernel; together,
    they form the kernel of the GNU operating system. It has been
    under development since 1990 by the GNU Project and is distributed
    as free software under the GPL. The Hurd aims to surpass Unix
    kernels in functionality, security, and stability, while remaining
    largely compatible with them. This is done by having the Hurd
    track the POSIX specification, while avoiding arbitrary
    restrictions on the user.
  \hspace #2 % minimum space between the two columns
  \override #'(line-width . 50) \justify {
    "\"HURD\"" is an indirectly recursive acronym, standing for
    "\"HIRD of Unix-Replacing Daemons\"," where "\"HIRD\"" stands for
    "\"HURD of Interfaces Representing Depth\"." It is also a play of
    words to give "\"herd of gnus\"" reflecting how it works.

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