>lilypond --help
GNU LilyPond 2.9.10
Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
For more information, see http://lilypond.org

  -b, --backend=BACK             use backend BACK (gnome, ps,eps,
                                   scm, svg, tex, texstr)
                                   default: PS
  -d, --define-default=SYM=VAL   set a Scheme program option. Uses #t if VAL is not specified
                                   Try -dhelp for help.
  -e, --evaluate=EXPR            evaluate scheme code
  -f, --formats=FORMATs          dump FORMAT,...  Also as separate options:
      --dvi                      generate DVI (tex backend only)
      --relocate                 relocate using directory of lilypond program
      --pdf                      generate PDF (default)
      --png                      generate PNG
      --ps                       generate PostScript
      --tex                      generate TeX (tex backend only)
  -h, --help                     print this help
  -H, --header=FIELD             dump a header field to file BASENAME.FIELD
  -I, --include=DIR              add DIR to search path
  -i, --init=FILE                use FILE as init file
      --no-print                 do not generate printed output
  -o, --output=FILE              write output to FILE (suffix will be added)
  -p, --preview                  generate a preview of the first system
  -s, --safe-mode                disallow unsafe Scheme and PostScript operations
  -v, --version                  print version number
  -V, --verbose                  be verbose
  -w, --warranty                 show warranty and copyright

Report bugs via http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs

..and you also might want to look at the various ragged-* options (e.g ragged-right and ragged-bottom)


>>Have a look at Section 13 of the manual, 'lilypond-book--integrating
>>text and music.' Easy!

So, just to make sure, the only way to do this (create images of fragments) is by using lilypond-book to create html? I played around and got that working, but it would be much better if I could simply make just a png or eps and nothing else.

>> about your operating system and which version of lilypond you run, as
>> well as how you installed it.

I'm running version 2.6.3 on SuSE Linux, installed using YaST.

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