Hi, Ralph:

it looks to me like I have a timing conflict, but I can't find where.

This is precisely why it is recommended that bar checks are used regularly! =)

I put them in to your piece and immediately found the problems:
    1. The R needs a duration (R2.).
    2. The last note should be a 16th.

The code I ended up with -- which appears to compile correctly -- is attached below.


\version ""
\header {}
Music =
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
        \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #4
        \tempo 4=112
        \time 5/8
        des'8([ bes a)] des'([ bes)] |
        e4. ~ e4 \breathe |
        \time 6/8
        des'8( bes f) f'4 r8 |
        e2. |
        \once \override TextScript #'padding = #2.0
        \once \override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
\fatText g''4.\glissando ^\markup\smaller{EXHALE}_\markup {(very soft sigh)} d'4. |
        R2.^\fermataMarkup \bar "||" \break |
        \time 3/4
        ais''2.^\markup { ( \smaller \note #"4" #1 = \smaller "112" )} |
        ais''4( e''2) |
        ais''4( gis''2) |
        b''2.^\fermataMarkup \bar "||" |
        ais''16->[_\sfz^\markup { \column { \line {lo stesso} tempo}} r8
                ais''16->] r8 ais''16->[ e''] ais''16->[ r8 d'''16->]

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