Hi, thanks for your prompt response.

I'm running Ubuntu 6.06.1 TLS.

here's the last lines of output:


Processing `Compendio.lytex:141 ( lily-899970075.ly)'
Renaming input to: `yankadi.ly'
Interpreting music... [2]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks...
Drawing systems...
Writing lily-899970075-systems.tex...
Writing lily-899970075-systems.texi...
Layout output to `lily-899970075-1.eps'...
Converting to `lily-899970075-1.pdf'...
`gs -q  -dSAFER   -dEPSCrop  -dCompatibilityLevel= 1.4  -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="lily-899970075-1.pdf" -c .setpdfwrite -f "lily-899970075-1.eps"' failed (256)
Processing `Compendio.lytex:143 ( lily-1558539225.ly)'
Renaming input to: `zawuli.ly'
Interpreting music... [4]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][5]
Drawing systems...
Writing lily-1558539225-systems.tex.. .
Writing lily-1558539225-systems.texi...
Layout output to `lily-1558539225-1.eps'...
Converting to `lily-1558539225-1.pdf'...
`gs -q  -dSAFER   -dEPSCrop  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4  -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=" lily-1558539225-1.pdf" -c .setpdfwrite -f "lily-1558539225-1.eps"' failed (256)
error: failed files: "lily-1558539225 lily-899970075 lily-2004862577 lily-2080162786 lily-1078580976 lily-1898546383 lily-258734636 lily-1969985034 lily-451254022 lily-1583279074 lily-2063912529 lily-82695929 lily-1714983211 lily-933097494 lily-99546443 lily-836879846 lily-496377335 lily-222481969 lily-787550872 lily-1360473979 lily-1441070916 lily-1429033749 lily-2129910928 lily-1905820790 lily-708036750 lily-1898162778 lily-818533586 lily-1402126617 lily-1839645945 lily-1225694479 lily-283864953 lily-486504132 lily-1653691124 lily-808277872 lily-44031488 lily-1986136418 lily-1183576424 lily-1528634397 lily-1464564090 lily-1263771614 lily-1164271103 lily-234545499 lily-559988227 lily-73310595 lily-237928617 lily-1277285174 lily-689159408 lily-1492463131 lily-294533280"
command failed: lilypond -b eps -I  '/home/danton67/Documents/Music/PercusionAfricana/Ritmos-2006-08-07' snippet-map.ly lily-294533280 lily-1492463131 lily-689159408 lily-1277285174 lily-237928617 lily-73310595 lily-559988227 lily-234545499 lily-1164271103 lily-1263771614 lily-1464564090 lily-1528634397 lily-1183576424 lily-1986136418 lily-44031488 lily-808277872 lily-1653691124 lily-486504132 lily-283864953 lily-1225694479 lily-1839645945 lily-1402126617 lily-818533586 lily-1898162778 lily-708036750 lily-1905820790 lily-2129910928 lily-1429033749 lily-1441070916 lily-1360473979 lily-787550872 lily-222481969 lily-496377335 lily-836879846 lily-99546443 lily-933097494 lily-1714983211 lily-82695929 lily-2063912529 lily-1583279074 lily-451254022 lily-1969985034 lily-258734636 lily-1898546383 lily-1078580976 lily-2080162786 lily-2004862577 lily-899970075 lily-1558539225
Child returned 1
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
! I can't find file `Compendio.tex'.
<*> Compendio.tex

Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
<*> Compendio.tex


2006/8/7, Mats Bengtsson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I just tried a small example here and couldn't repeat your problems.
From the printouts you provided, it seems that the calls to gs fail,
which might provide a hint on where the problem is.

gs --version  outputs this:

Don't you get any file OUT/Compendio.tex at all? You didn't include the
last lines of the printouts. It should say something like:

Writing `Compendio.tex'...
Writing fonts to Compendio.psfonts...

I get no Compendio.tex. The eps are also garbled, I attach as example.

I also include a couple of lilypondfiles for you (they're Djembé excercises).

I include the master Compendio.lytex, with everything but cassa.ly commented out, and the Makefile.

Regarding pdfetex, I think you are confused. I guess that you use a
teTeX version 3 installation or related TeX installation. There,
the command latex will actually call the same program (pdfetex)
as pdflatex, for example. Internally, pdfetex notices that it was called
under the name "latex" and will behave correspondingly. If you run
latex on any normal .tex file, you will notice the same printout:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)

or something similar.

You didn't say what operating system you  used. If you are on Windows,
there's a silly bug so that you have to call lilypond-book twice to get the
actual .tex file.


Daniel Tonda wrote:

> Hello:
> I need orientation about running lilypond-book. I'm running 2.9.14.
> Usually I just do a makefile to builld the lilypond-book output. I use
> latex, but with this development version, I can't get output to feed
> to latex as was donde before.
> The output I get looks like this:
> ...
> Processing `Compendio.lytex:51 (lily-1277285174.ly
> <http://lily-1277285174.ly >)'
> Parsing...
> Renaming input to: `baga.ly'
> Interpreting music... [2]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Calculating line breaks...
> Drawing systems...
> Writing lily-1277285174-systems.tex...
> Writing lily-1277285174-systems.texi...
> Layout output to `lily-1277285174-1.eps'...
> Converting to `lily-1277285174-1.pdf'...
> `gs -q  -dSAFER   -dEPSCrop  -dCompatibilityLevel= 1.4  -dNOPAUSE
> -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="lily-1277285174-1.pdf"
> -c .setpdfwrite -f "lily-1277285174-1.eps "' failed (256)
> Processing `Compendio.lytex:53 ( lily-237928617.ly
> <http://lily-237928617.ly>)'
> Parsing...
> Renaming input to: `balakulania.ly'
> Interpreting music... [2]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Calculating line breaks...
> Drawing systems...
> Writing lily-237928617-systems.tex...
> Writing lily-237928617-systems.texi...
> Layout output to `lily-237928617-1.eps'...
> Converting to `lily- 237928617-1.pdf'...
> `gs -q  -dSAFER   -dEPSCrop  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4  -dNOPAUSE
> -dBATCH -r1200  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="lily-237928617-1.pdf"
> -c .setpdfwrite -f "lily-237928617-1.eps "' failed (256)
> Processing `Compendio.lytex:55 ( lily-73310595.ly
> <http://lily-73310595.ly>)'
> Parsing...
> Renaming input to: `basikolo.ly'
> Interpreting music... [2]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Calculating line breaks...
> ....
> The commands used look like this (from the makefile):
>     lilypond-book -f latex --psfonts -o OUT Compendio.lytex ; cd OUT
> && latex --interaction=nonstopmode Compendio.tex ; dvips -o -h
> Compendio.psfonts -Ppdf Compendio.dvi
> =====================
> There's no tex output of the main document.
> ¿Is lilypond-book with latex support broken?
> It seems to be forcing the pdfetex, which I've never used.
> Lilypond by itself works fine though, but I'm worried about my latex
> source code not working anymore.
> Some orientation would help me a lot.
> --
> Daniel Tonda C.
>lilypond-user mailing list
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

Daniel Tonda C.

Attachment: lily-61135978-1.eps
Description: PostScript document

Attachment: cassa.ly
Description: application/extension-ly

Attachment: Global.ly
Description: application/extension-ly

Attachment: Compendio.lytex
Description: application/extension-lytex

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

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