I'm afraid you have hit a limitation in the use of #{...#}. My recommendation is to change to plan B, which is described in the section on "Building complicated
functions" in the manual for version 2.9.x.


Pietro Casella wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to create something like this:

blankbar = #(define-music-function (parser location x) (number?)
    \repeat unfold $x {s1}

\blankbar #56

but I get the error message:

<string>:2:23: error: syntax error, unexpected NUMBER_IDENTIFIER, expecting DIGIT > or UNSIGNED
        \repeat unfold
                       \lilyvartmpa {s1}
error: errors found, ignoring music expression

if I replace $x with a number I get no error. Any ideas on how to fix
this? I already tried some other types for the x parameter but none of
them seemed right...

Thanx much


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