Mats Bengtsson wrote:
It shouldn't be hard to make a modified version of one of the standard
functions format-mark-alphabet, format-mark-numbers, ... that are available
in LilyPond and use
\set Score.markFormatter = #whatever-I-call-my-own-fancy-formatter
However, the automatic incrementation of the number is implemented in
C++ today and only handles a single counter, so if you want two of them
(I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want), you would probably have to handle the other counter as a property that is read and set by your formatter
Since in unicode B comes after A that same incrementer *might* be usable.

Thanks, Mats.  I'll have a look at that when I find some more time.



Paul Scott wrote:

Some show music uses more than just numbers for bar identification for certain bars. For example an introduction might be "numbered" A, B, C, etc. and then inserted bars may be "numbered" 67A, 67B, etc. What would it cost to sponsor something like: currentBarNumber = (#number . #letter) where if the letter was present it would be incremented instead of the number?


Paul Scott

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