Quoting Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 8/23/06, Ben Hoefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a PianoStaff and there is a triplet bracket at the top stave
overlapping a triplet bracket at the bottom stave  :-((

What can I do to prevent any collision between the two brackets?

Could you please give me some hints or show me some tricks to copy with that
problem? (I use Lilypond Version 2.8.6).

Thanks very much in advance!

Hi Ben,

Can you send an example? (Please make sure to cc the lily list like
you're done here in your first post.)

Also, try setting

 \once \override TupletBracket #'staff-padding = #8


 \once \override TupletBracket #'padding = #2

and play with the numbers following the hash marks.

From the question, it rather seems that the staves are too close
together, so if you increase the padding, then the
brackets will probably overlap even more. Rather, you might
want to use \tupletUp or \tupletDown (which is reset by
\tupletNeutral), to place the tuplets in the upper stave
above the stave or those in the lower stave below the stave.


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