You don't have to split the parts if you \tranpose direct from es to g

hornpartInG = \relative c' {
  .... notes in G ....
  \transpose g ees \relative c' {
    .... notes in Es ....

\score {
 \new Staff \transpose f g {

Or even bring the notes to C first (no more need for \transposition
for midi output)

hornpartInC = \transpose c g \relative c' {
  .... notes in G ...
  \transpose g ees \relative c' {
    .... notes in Es ....

\score {
 \new Staff \transpose f c {


> AFAICS, the easiest way is to split your horn part into two seperate ones:
> hornpartG = \relative c' {
>   \transposition g
>   ... many notes ...
> }
> hornpartEES = \relative c' {
>   \transposition ees
>   ... many notes ...
> }
> Then use \transpose as usual on each of them.

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