Luc <luc <at>> writes:

> In this measure under Windows XP, the notehead of the last "bes" is  
> separated from the accidental by the upper voice - can this be remedied?
> \version "2.8.6"
> \score {
>   <<
>    \override Staff.NoteCollision  #'merge-differently-headed = ##t
>    \override Staff.NoteCollision  #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
>    #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
>    \context Voice="oben" {
>     \stemUp
>     \clef "G"
>     \key  f \major
>     \time 3/8
>      g       8
>      c   ''  16
>      b   '   16
>      c   ''   8
>    }
>    \\
>    \context Voice="unten" {
>     \stemDown
>      g       8
>      bes '     8
>      bes '     8
>    }
>   >>
>   \layout {ragged-right= ##t}
> }

Only now I discovered the paper "Standard Music Notation Practice"  edited by 
the Music Publisher Association  where they recommend to do it like Lilypond 
does - i.e. to align the stems of notes with opposite stems and an interval of 
a second.

However, what I am complaining about is not the appearance of the 3rd 8th of 
this measure. I just have the feeling that the readability of this measure is 
not optimal since the flat sign of the last "bes" seems to be nearer to the 
preceding 16th than to the note it belongs to.

Sorry to have bothered you!

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