If you give a man a fish he will only eat for a day...

But if you teach a man to fish...

He will sit in a hot boat drinking beer, getting sunburned, and drowning
worms all his life.

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hello, all --
> Since you're all talking about me, I thought I'd jump in here...  ;-)
> Ian wrote:
>> it isn't the "quickest" solution.
> Firstly, my goal wasn't to give David "the answer", because I don't  
> think there *is* just a single one; my goal was to point him to the  
> threads that deal with the issue he asked about, so that he could  
> follow the leads/links and make up his own mind on the answer that  
> best fits his specific situation, etc.
> Secondly, I'm pretty sure I typed that list of instructions in less  
> time than it would have taken me to go through multiple web pages,  
> waiting out the load time in each case, copying and pasting the  
> (multiple) potentially useful URLs, etc.
> In other words, I thought at the time -- and, for the record, still  
> believe now -- that my response *was* the quickest solution to the  
> problem I was trying to solve. And since I was the one who actually  
> responded to David's post, that's really the only relevant yardstick  
> for that particular determination, regardless of how much anybody  
> else debates it.
>> we didn't give him a URL did we.
> Nope -- and I would (will) do the same thing again, all other things  
> being equal!
> If someone asks a question that I think has a single answer, I'll  
> give them that answer; otherwise, I'll give them the tools they can  
> use to find the multiple answers, and then determine the one THEY  
> think is best.
>> Do you understand the meaning of the word "condescending"?
> D'uh, gee, I think so...
> This whole response of yours... that was condescending, right?
> _______________________
> Stewart responded with:
>> I think this whole discussion is becoming increasingly ridiculous
> Agreed.
>> I'm sure that Kieren had no intention of being condescending
> True. That being said, I *did* have that exact intention with my  
> "D'uh, gee, I think so..." comment in *this* email!  ;-)
>> Give a man food, and he can live for a week. Teach him to farm, and  
>> he can feed himself for a lifetime.
> Couldn't have said it better myself.
> Best regards,
> Kieren.
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