Here is a simple example of separating music from structure, just make sure
all the music goes into variables, then the templates only reference
variables, not any particular songs music: would contain this kind of stuff:

varViolinINotes = \relative c' { a-4 b c d }
varViolinIINotes = \relative c' { d2 f }
varClarinetNotes = \relative c' { d16 e f g d f g a d2 }
varTitle = "Concerto Number 3"
varKey = { \key c \major }
varTime = { \time 4/4 }
varStyle = "Moderato"
varComposer = "Beat-hooven" might contain this kind of stuff and is re-useable
because it never references any particular song, only variables:

   \new Staff \with {
         instrument = \markup { \sans "Violin I" }
         stringNumberOrientations = #'(left)
         fingeringOrientations = #'(right)
   } % end with
        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
        \clef "treble"
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left \mark
\markup { \bold \smaller \varStyle }

Now can be refined over time and re-used for all your
music, because it just provides structure, and is not affiliated with any
particular musical piece.

To compile you just make a 3rd .ly file that includes these 2 files
together: would contain this:

\include ""
\include ""

Now to compile the Violin I part for your next piece, a Mozart score (not
the Beat-hooven score), use this: would contain this:

\include ""
\include ""

Note that you no longer ever have to write another Violin I score, as long
as you are only adding references to variables to it and not music.  IOW
keep music separate from structure.

Of course to have headings you will need structure files for heading block
which references to varTitle set in your music file.  To combine staffs into
conductor scores just concatenate them as shown in my first post, those
high-level .ly files can also contain any staff grouping blocks.  In the end
keeping music separated from structure makes you very productive by the time
you've scored your 60th symphony, because all the work is completed, except
for entering the notes, if you can re-use the part templates.

OnionRingOfDoom wrote:
> Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
>> It's really up to you.  In the end the goal is to separate music from
>> structure so that you can freely re-use your template files for
>> subsequent pieces without having to change or re-write the templates.  I
>> tend to keep all the music variable setting for all parts in a single
>> file, then I make an "outer file" that includes the music file then
>> whatever template staffs I want to score, so if I wanted a score of only
>> the sax section (for a sectional rehearsal) the file might look like
>> this:  With the arrangement below using high-level include files that
>> organize lower level include files, I can mizx and match my templates and
>> paper sizes easily without changing templates across songs, because all
>> the song related variables are in single by-song files.
> Whoaaa. You totally just lost me there at "separate music from structure."
> What part of my score is the structure anyway? As it stands now, each
> instrument's part is it's own seperate file. For example, if I were to
> print, it would print out the complete 1st Violin part, title
> and everything. And what are my template files supposed to be? And what
> are these music variable settings?
> Pretty much the only thing that all my files have in common is this:
> %%%%% Violin
> \version "2.7.39"
> \header {
>   title = "Liberi Fatali"
>   composer = "Nobuo Uematsu"
>   arranger = "Jeremy Abel"
>   instrument = "Violin I"
> %}
> \paper {
>   #(set-paper-size "a4")
> }
> \relative c''{
>   \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>   \override Score.RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #0.08
>   \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1 
> Then after that, there's the actual music. Each file has that part up
> there in common, with only the file name and the instrument name changed. 
> If I need to transpose anything or use a different clef, I put that below
> the \set Score.skipBars line usually. So, which part of all that goes in
> which files you talked about?

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