Why do you use the texstr backend? As far as I know, it's just an old
left over from some experiment that never was finished and it's certainly

Just use
lilypond test.ly


Ari Constancio wrote:


I'm starting to use Lilypond (version 2.8.6-1) and I'm having problems
with non-ASCII characters used on lyrics.
I use Emacs as editor and configured it for UTF-8.

I searched in the 2.8.x manual for issues on encoding and followed
section 10.1.4 (Text encoding) and used the suggested commands (with

$  lilypond -b texstr test.ly

GNU LilyPond 2.8.6
Processing `test.ly'
Interpreting music... [6]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3]
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `test.texstr'...ERROR: In procedure ly_outputter_dump_stencil:
ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Paper_outputter):
#<Prob: page C++: Prob((stencil . #<Stencil  >) (space-left .
106.324757779528) (bottom-system-edge . -53.2536674173228) (penalty .
0.0) (configuration 6.82866141732283 11.8286614173228) (force . 0.0)
(lines #<Prob: paper-system C++: Prob((Y-offset . 6.82866141732283)
(number . 1) (stencil . #<Stencil  >))((is-title . #t) (is-book-title
. #t)) >
#<Prob: paper-system C++: Prob((Y-offset . 11.8286614173228) (number
. 2) (system-grob . #<Grob System >) (refpoint-Y-extent -24.825006 .
-7.6) (penalty . 10000) (stencil . #<Stencil  >))() >
) (prev . #f) (printable-height . 150.57842519685) (foot-stencil .
#<Stencil  >) (head-stencil . #<Stencil  >) (page-number . 1) (is-last
. #t) (paper-book . #<Paper_book>))((paper-height . 169.57842519685)
(paper-width . 119.50157480315) (left-margin . 5.69055118110236)
(top-margin . 5.0) (bottom-edge . 163.57842519685)) >

The file compiles correctly if I switch the non-ASCII characters by
their ASCII counterparts (so, it is only related to the characters).

I appreciate any help on this; I'm using Debian GNU/Linux.

Ari Constancio

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