Hi Simon,

Please include complete examples in bugs.  Your include line
\include " svenska.ly <http://svenska.ly>"
and use of notes like
make it impossible for me to test this.

That said, there was a bug that was recently fixed that disallowed music functions with more than three variables. I suspect that your example will work in 2.9.19.

- Graham

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Simon Dahlbacka wrote:

I sent a mail to bug-lilypond regarding unhelpful error messages in \version 2.9.16 (winxp/mingw)

The included snippet produces these kinds of errors, but still produces more or less the intended output.

Is this a bug or have I screwed up somehow?


PS. (the \sourcefilename is just for debugging purposes..)

D:\Development\Scores\>d:\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe test.ly <http://test.ly>
GNU LilyPond 2.9.16
Processing `test.ly'
Renaming input to: `foo'
<string>:0:0: error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting '='
(position unknown)
Renaming input to: `bar'
Renaming input to: `baz'
<string>:2:2: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '='

Renaming input to: `burp'
Interpreting music... [6]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][7]
Drawing systems...
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `test.ps'...
Converting to `test.pdf'...

% Begin test.ly <http://test.ly>
\version "2.9.16"
\include " svenska.ly <http://svenska.ly>"

pattern = #(define-music-function (parser location short long) (ly:music? ly:music?)
$short $short $short $short $long

\sourcefilename "foo"
fluteInstrumental = \relative c'' {
\pattern ess8 f2 |
\pattern ess8 ass2 |
\pattern ess8 { b'4. f8 } |
f4 f, g8 ess'4 dess8 |
c1 | r1

\sourcefilename "bar"
clarinetInstrumental = \relative c'' {
\pattern d8 f2 |
\pattern d8 g2 |
\pattern d8 { a'4. g8 } |
g4 g, a8 d4 c8 |
b1 | r1

harmoniesInstrumental = \chordmode {
ass2 dess2:maj9 |
ass2 dess2:maj7 |
ass2 ess2/ass |
ess4/g ess4 ess2:7 |

\sourcefilename "baz"
pianoRHInstrumental = \relative c'' {
\pattern <c ess c'>8 <ess f ass ess'>2 |
\pattern <c ess c'>8 <f ass f'>2 |
\pattern <c ess c'>8 { <g' b ess g>4.\< <f f'>8\! } |
<f b f'>4 <f, f'>4\> <g g'>8 <c c'>4 <b b'>8\! |
<ass c ess ass>1 ~ |
<ass c ess ass>1 \bar "||"

\sourcefilename "burp"

lhPattern = { << {r8 ess ass c } \\ { ass,2 <dess f c'>2 } >> }

pianoLHInstrumental = \relative c {
<< { r8 ess'='8 ass c, } \\ { ass2 <ass, ess' b'>2 } >> |
<< { <b'= dess f>2 } \\ { g4 ess <ess b' dess>2 } >> |
<ass, ass'>1 ~ |
<ass ass'>1

staffFluteInstrumental = \new Staff {
\time 4/4
\key ass \major
\clef treble

staffClarinetInBbInstrumental = \new Staff {
\transposition b'
\key b \major
\clef treble

staffPianoInstrumental = \new PianoStaff {
\context Staff = "RH" { % Right hand
\clef treble
\key ass \major

\context Staff = "LH" { % Left hand
\clef bass
\key ass \major

\score {

% End test.ly <http://test.ly>


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