First of all, I hope you used convert-ly to update the file to be
combatible with your current LilyPond version (did you say which
version you used?). Still, you should be aware that LilyPond is a program
that evolves quickly and that even though convert-ly can handle most of the
changes automatically, it sometimes fails.

For this specific example, I notice that the original file used a feature
\oldaddlyrics that was outdated already in version 2.4 and hasn't really
been supported since then. I haven't tried to modify the file to use the
new \lyricsto or \addlyrics features (which unfortunately requires some
manual work), but I suspect that that's the main problem here.
Actually, when I tried the file in the latest development version of
LilyPond, it choked completely since \oldaddlyrics doesn't work anymore
(I have sent a bug report that the problem at least should be recognized by


Patrick Horgan wrote:
Sorry it's so long I didn't want to flood the list.  The file is at:

Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
Please post a "working" code example that people can quickly paste into their
editors and try, this way people can help you better.
Sorry it's so long I didn't want to flood the list.  The file is at:

Jeff makes the scores available under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license <>.



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        Signal Processing
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