Mike Blackstock schreef:
Geoff Horton wrote:

As Simon said, 2.4 is obsolete (very) and I strongly suspect the
suggestions I'm about to give won't work. I would update if at all
possible. Then, in addition to what's in the manual, you can try what
I show here: http://www.geoffhorton.com/lilypond.html#moreverses for
more complicated situations. (Graham, would you object if I take a
shot at revising that section of the manual to incorporate a little
more complexity?)


Thanks to Simon and you; I'll try the \markup later today.
Yes, I'm setting aside some time to upgrade. I haven't done so yet cause
well, 2.4 was the only version I could get to work on this particular
platform I'm using and even then it took a lot of effort. My problems
began some time after we upgraded to Centos 4, a variant of Redhat
Enterprise 4. I certainly don't want to blame Centos; I think someone

Doesn't the prebuilt binary work for you?

(note that we recommend against compiling lilypond yourself.)


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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