Hello everyone!

I've recently started using lilypond, and an having a ball. It is a fabulous
program - I've only produced a few simple scores, but everyone who has seen them
has been very impressed - and I'm just a newbie to this.

However, I have now hit a problem which I can't solve. For some reason, some
(but not all) of the dynamic marks in my latest attempt are printing very very
low - way below the staff. And I don't know why... :-(

I can correct them using the 'override' function with DynamicText, but whilst
that puts them back in the right place, it seems that as far as the line spacing
is concerned lilypond still behaves as if they are in the wrong place - so the
spacing of the staves is very uneven.

I'm using version 2.8.5, and the .ly file I'm working on is here:

I've commented the file where the problems are; the 'overrides' are commented
out at the monent so the dynamics print out in the wrong place. If you put the
overrides back in you can see that the dynamics look OK, but the line spacing
doesn't change.

Any help for a lilypond newbie woudl be appreciated.

PS the piece is the viola part for Ibert's 'Saxophone Conertino', 2nd movement,
in case you were wondering...!

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