Valentin Villenave escreveu:
...but since I consider myself as a newbie here, I hope you won't mind :)

Here am I : I've (almost) written a whole opera under Sibelius 3, and
I've been trying for ages to switch to Libre software, I mean our
favorite Lilypond forever...

The music I'm writing from now on is entirely genuine Lilypond-coded
(took me a couple hours a day during one month to learn but i'm done).
My question is : how about the music I wrote _before_ that, the tons
of .sib files on my HD ? Shall I rewrite it from scratch ? Is there
any way to spare me months and months of hard working ?

I know .sib files are compressed and somehow encrypted, and therefore
quite difficult to "disassemble" ; is there any sponsoring stuff to
make it possible however ?

Or is there any other advice anyone can give me ?

The musicxml importer isn't that good and can be improved, but if the problems are on the Dolet side, you're SOL obviously.

IF you're looking for a technical solution, find someone who is willing to reverse engineer Sib. You can do it by disassembling a demo (the demos don't come with EULAs).


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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