Victor Eijkhout wrote:
Beam breaking is a visual operation, not a mathematical one. I want a sixteenth beam broken at any beat boundary, no matter whether this is in 4/4 time or in a 27 over 26 fragment.

I don't agree completely. Beam breaking is used to clarify the rhythmic structure,
so you have to tell LilyPond where the beats are.

Btw, that raises another question I''ve been meaning to ask: do assignments have scope? Can I limit this beam setting overriding to one fragment, without explicitly restoring the old rules? (Lilypond looks so much like TeX that I would really expect such a mechanism to exist.)

If you do a \set ... or \override ..., the setting will be active within the current context (unless you explicitly specify \set Score. ... or whatever other level in the context hierarchy) from the current moment until the context dies (or you change the setting). Even though the #(override-auto-beam-setting) is a function that is slightly more advanced than an ordinary \set or \override, the scoping
principle is the same.

So, if you want a limited scope, you can explicitly create a short-lived context.
Here's an example that uses smaller note heads for one measure:

\relative c'{ c d e f \new Voice {\tiny g f e d } c d e d c1 }


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