richik neogi wrote:
Ok i've got the scale pdf file but I need the program. how do I get it?

Give us a sequence of events, please, Richik. If I understood your previous messages, you got so frustrated trying to create and save the test Lilypond file that you deleted the lilypad icon and tried to uninstall the whole program. Then you figured out how to save the file, and tried to reinstall the program. When we last heard from you, your computer was telling you you couldn't reinstall because the old program was still there. So, what happened next? At what point did you get the pdf file and how did you do it?

Please do be sure to "reply to all." I'm about to sign off for today, but if you write to the whole list and give a little more detail, others will be able to take over helping you.

Keep plugging, and good luck!

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