> > 3) The lower system has an overlay of the rest and the g. I assume
> Lilypond
> > counts the voices from top to bottom. So I changed the order in the
> second
> > measure. But this gives a too high rest. It should be from third to
> fifths
> > line.
> >
> Try setting the rest manually with something like d'/rest (the d'
> specifies where the rest goes. Look at
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond/Rests.html#Rests
> > 4) The slurs in the lower system should be in opposite to the stem. I
> tried
> > to set the parentheses inside the angle brackets to get them bound to d-
> g
> > and es-g but then they disappeared at all.
> >
> Sorry, can't help without seeing it.
> No, but it's good if you can show an example of what you tried so we can
> see where you've gone wrong.

Cameron, thanks for reply. I really forgot to attach to files. So let me
paste the current ly file here. I have already introduced the changes you

\version "2.7.39"
\include "deutsch.ly"

     upper = \relative c'' 
                \clef treble
                \key b \major
                \time 6/8
                r4 r8 r g16 ( a b d )
                c4. ( c8 ) c16 d es g )
     lower = \relative c
        \clef bass
        \key b \major
        \time 6/8
       << { \slurDown f4\rest  <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
       << { \slurDown f'4\rest <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
       << { \slurDown f'4\rest <es a>8 ( <g c>4.  ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
% I would like to write it like this: 
%       << { r4  <d b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
%       << { r4 <d' b'>8 ( <g d'>4. ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
%       << { r4 <es' a>8 ( <g c>4.  ) } \\ { g,2. } >>
                \context PianoStaff <<
                        \set PianoStaff.instrument = "HARPE  "
                        \context Staff = upper \upper
                        \context Staff = lower \lower
                \layout { }
                \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
%       \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t }

The layout in the lower staff looks now as expected. But it's annoying to
write \slurDown and f4\rest for each measure. Is there any scheme script
that sets the slur direction and the rest position/distance/offset/what-else
for a lot of measures?


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