On Nov 14, 2006, at 1:50 PM, Bertalan Fodor wrote:

Stan Sanderson írta:
I have two questions about lilypondtool (latest version on OS 10.4.8, PPC)

1. I'm using jEdit 4.3pre6 (planning to update to pre8). I have not found a way to initiate automatic bar-check as shown in your excellent flash demo. I have duplicated your entries to the best of my knowledge. E.g., the \tweak step works as shown in your demo. Is there a specific setting to activate the automatic bar- check?
If you have too complex score or you have not defined the first duration it may happen that the barcheck doesnt work.

This will not work: { c d e f | }, but this will { c4 d e f | }

The flash demo appears to show an automatic bar-check symbol insertion. When I enter the second example (with the first note duration defined), nothing happens. However, if I manually insert the "|", lilypondtool reports 1/1, as would be expected.

Perhaps I misinterpreted the demo.



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