Mats Bengtsson kirjoitti:
> Probably, you will have to update the syntax of the file from Denemo
> using convert-ly, but I wouldn't expect any other problems.
>   /Mats
But yes, there seems to be a minor problem with convert-ly in 2.10.0

I would suggest that there are two possible mistakes in
of 2.10.0 (linux-x86 GUB, on Suse10.1)
so that convert-ly gets stuck at 2.7.14 conversion if the original .ly
file is some earlier version. (Currently Denemo exports .ly file
\version "2.6.0")

It seems to me that line 2636 and line 2638 there is
missing ", str" before the last ")"
I added those and then convert-ly seemed to work OK also with version
2.6.0 files as exported by Denemo.  Is this correct solution?

Greetings, Tapio

Snippet follows

<<, line 2617 -> >>
conversions.append (((2, 7, 13), conv,
             '''layout engine refactoring. [FIXME] '''))

def conv (str):
    str = re.sub (r"\\override +([A-Z.a-z]+) #'callbacks",
          r"\\override \1", str)
    str = re.sub (r"\\revert ([A-Z.a-z]+) #'callbacks % ([a-zA-Z]+)",
          r"\\revert \1 #'\2", str)
    str = re.sub (r"([XY]-extent)-callback", r'\1', str)
    str = re.sub (r"RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup", "VerticalAxisGroup", str)
    str = re.sub (r"\\set ([a-zA-Z]*\.?)minimumVerticalExtent",
          r"\\override \1VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent",
    str = re.sub (r"minimumVerticalExtent",
          r"\\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent",
    str = re.sub (r"\\set ([a-zA-Z]*\.?)extraVerticalExtent",
          r"\\override \1VerticalAxisGroup #'extra-Y-extent", str) <==
here I added the ", str"; this is line 2636 ***************************
    str = re.sub (r"\\set ([a-zA-Z]*\.?)verticalExtent",
          r"\\override \1VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent", str) <== here I
also added the ", str"; this is line 2638 ***************************
    return str

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