Erik Sandberg <mandolaerik <at>> writes:

> The fact that they chose to switch to computer-engraving doesn't contradict 
> that hand-engraving is far better; [...]

True.  On the other hand, hand-engraved doesn't always mean better.  I've seen,
sung from and copied hand-engraved scores (or photocopies thereof) that were
quite unreadable.  A good hand-engraved score (as well as a recent
LilyPond-engraved score) is quite beautiful and can withstand photocopying very

On another note, I'm looking for the paper quality, printing technique and
printer that will best do LilyPond justice.  Office laserprinter on 80g A4 white
office paper is all quite well, but I'm thinking along the lines of 120g or
heavier, off-white or even recycled paper, and of course I dream of etching a
LilyPond score into a plate and printing it in some kind of gravure printer ;-)



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