It seems that you use the \lyricsto feature in your "closed score" file but
not in the "open score" file. Since you have taken the effort to specify the
durations explicitly in your lyrics part, I guess you could just as well
skip the \lyricsto feature also in the "closed score". However, you may want
to set the associateVoice property to get better alignment to the note heads,
see "Another way of entering lyrics" in the manual.


James Bailey wrote:
I was afraid you would ask for this, so here goes:
my "soprano" file (shortened to just what would produce the error).
\version "2.10.0"
\key es \major
\time 5/2 b'2 b4 b c b b2 g |
as g4 f~ f es~ es d es2 |
b'2 b4 b c b b2 g |
as g4 f~ f es~ es d es2 |
\time 5/4 R1*5/4 |
\time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
\time 5/2 b'2 b4 b c b b2 g |
as g4 f~ f es~ es d es2 \bar "||"

b'2 b4 b c b b2 g |
as g4 f~ f es~ es d es2 |
\time 5/4 R1*5/4 |
\time 3/4 R1*3/4 |
\time 5/2 b'2 b4 b c b b2 g |
as g4 f~ f es~ es d es2 \bar "||"

my "soprano lyrics" file (again, shortened to just what produced the error).

\version "2.8.8"
sopranolyrics=\lyricmode {
\set associatedVoice = #"SopranoMusic"
Lo,2 how4 a Rose e’er bloom2 -- ing from ten4 -- der2 stem hath4 sprung!2
Of Jes4 -- se’s line -- age com2 -- ing, as men4 of2 old have4 sung.2
\skip 1*5/4 \skip 2. a2 -- mid4 the cold of win2 -- ter,
When half4 spent2 was the4 night.2

\skip 1*10/2
With2 Ma4 -- ry we be -- hold2 it, the vir4 -- gin2 moth -- er4 kind.2
\skip 1*5/4 \skip 2. she2 bore4 to men a Sav2 -- ior,
When half4 spent2 was the4 night.2

my " closed score file. this is what has the problem

\version "2.10.0"
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\new ChoirStaff
   \new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
\new Staff = women <<\new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \SopranoMusic >> }
   \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo <<  >> }
\new Lyrics = "altos" { s1 }
\new Lyrics = "tenors" { s1 }
\new Staff = men
   \clef bass
   \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne  }
   \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo  }
\new Lyrics = basses { s1 }
\context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopranolyrics

and my "open score" file, this does not have the problem.

\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\new ChoirStaff
\new Staff \SopranoMusic
\new Lyrics \sopranolyrics

I had to take out the references to the other parts in the open score version, becuase it generated erros.

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